Mark Bishop


Mark Bishop


All the way from Mighty Uxbridge, Bish is another new boy to the scene who has evidently been taking one too many lessons from Ash. Throwing it down everywhere and anywhere, this hard hitter is quickly becoming known for his repeated slams and determination, and the switch backy's he seems to be able to throw off just about anything.

With a body made of rubber he seems to just consistently bounce back on his stiff Haero deck with Trampa hardware and gets stoked by just watching everyone ride.

With MGK to get him in the mood, Bish loves the full-fat sugary coke and any fruity girly flavoured cider. Chowing down on some tasty meat, Bish loves an all you can eat Brazilian.

With the slams Bish takes he recommends a helmet and suggests you “Don’t land on your head too much”. At least we think that's what he said, he sounded fairly concussed...

Mark Bishop
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